Tuesday 12 April 2016

T2W4 - Science Update

In the past few weeks, we have covered the topics of Fungi & Bacteria, as well as the Diversity of Materials.

Fungi & Bacteria
Pupils carried out an experiment to find out if water affected the growth of mould. Pupils observed their bread in the classrooms for a week before recording their observations in their Science journals. Pupils were all excited about the experiment and were eagerly checking on their bread daily. For ideas on an extension of this experiment, pupils can also try out similar experiments at home (eg: using biscuits/rice) but with the use of other changing variables (eg: varying the presence of light, varying temperature etc).

While carrying out the experiment, I also introduced concepts of “aim of the experiment” as well as “changed/constant” variables.

One answering technique tip for the concept of variables is that the answer that pupils give should be measurable. For example, for the fungi experiment conducted in class, pupils should state that the changed variable is the “presence of water” and not just “water”.  I will be going through more examples of such questions with the class in future.

Diversity of Materials
Pupils engaged in a series of experiments to discover the properties of given materials. Pupils should be able to identify the type of test that is used to test for a property of material.

Pupils should also be able to explain (using the properties of materials they have learnt) why a certain material is used to make an object. For example, given that material X absorbs water and material Y does not absorb water, pupils should be able to identify and explain that the material Y is more suitable to make a raincoat as it is waterproof. 

We will be starting on revision for SA1 in the next few weeks, and I will be focusing on answering techniques with the class to better prepare them for the upcoming examination.

Some revision techniques for Science (which your child can do in his/her own time) include: Mindmapping, drawing concept cartoons, making concise notes & revising / understanding previous mistakes and how to improve on them.

Thank you.

Ms Natalie Chan

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