Wednesday 3 February 2016

T1W5 – Science Toy Project

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Pupils have been given a school letter today regarding the Science Performance Assessment Task – the “Science Toy” project (done by P3-P5 pupils in school every year). A timeline and a set of rubrics have been attached to the school letter for your reference.

The theme of the project is “Rise and Shine”. I’ve also shared with pupils some ideas on how to make toys rise and shine. Pupils will make an introductory toy in Week 7, and will also be taught the use of the CEDAR Idea Generator (a thinking tool, also covered in CIT lessons) and how it can be applied to the introductory toy. 

I will be guiding and supporting pupils through milestone checks (from Week 7 to Week 10) and having consultation/feedback sessions with pupils to see how they can improve on their toys. P3 pupils will be allowed to submit either a modified version of the introductory toy that was taught to them in class or a totally new toy that fits the theme of the project by 28th March 2016.

Thank you. Do contact me if you have further queries on the Science toy project.


Ms Natalie Chan

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