Friday 22 January 2016

Administrative updates + Additional Similes resources

Dear parents/guardians,

Some updates regarding administrative matters for P3A.

1) Supplementary and Remedial Classes

Supplementary lessons (MT/Math) are encouraged for all pupils to attend as activities and games are planned to stretch their learning and to work on Math concepts. It is not compulsory.

For English remedial, only selected pupils need to join the sessions. We will be working on Grammar and Synthesis & Transformation. If you would like to include your child in the English remedial, please feel free to let me know.

2) ClassDojo

I have started using the ClassDojo system in my EL class to motivate the children (and they like it very much!). I will be sending you individually your child's sign up code for their account as well as for you, which is optional.

To find out how ClassDojo works, you may look at the link here:

Below I will be providing some help for you regarding the sign up.

Step 1: Please go to this website – and click on ‘Sign up with a code’.
Step 2: Using personalized code which I have issued to you, please key in the code. A blue check mark should appear.
Step 3: Choose a username for yourself. The blue check mark will indicate the availability of your username (i.e. the username is available). The password panel should appear where you can set your password. Re-type your password and then click ‘Create Account’.
Step 4: Do note down your username and password for future access. You may like to get pupils to note down in their handbooks should they forget.
Step 5: You can guide your child to customize their avatar. (P.S. this is their favourite part!)
… and we’re done!
Pupils can see their progress for this week and the points they have earned.
You may like to set up a parent account for yourself which updates you about your child’s progress on Fridays.
Hope this quick tutorial helps! (:
3) Similes additional resources


Similes are a useful tool to help in composition writing as they help to add depth to the language.

They make the language more descriptive and enjoyable, and allow the writer to emphasize what they want to convey to their readers.

1. List of similes that your child can revise at home: (recommended)

2. Flashcards of similes where they can learn and spell:

Thank you!


Ms Cindy Chan (:


  1. I make class dojo avatar by nusrat sumaiya
    because i love class dojo


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