Sunday 31 January 2016

[T1W4] Science

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This week, pupils started learning about the diversity of plants around them. Pupils were brought to the eco-garden in school to observe and explore the types of plants found in the school.

In line with inquiry-based learning and to promote the learning of Science outside the classroom, you may also help your child/ward to further deepen his/her understanding by getting him/her to point out characteristics of plants he/she sees around him/her outside school, eg: by observing the diversity of plants and identifying the different plant parts.


Two of the key process skills introduced to pupils this week are Observing and Comparing. The sample question shown below was shared with the class earlier this week. 

For this type of questions, pupils should note that the question requires them to answer based on what they observe in the diagrams shown. Hence, their answers should be based on what they see in the diagrams, and not be based on their own prior knowledge.

For (a), some possible answers include “They have tails. / They have legs.”

For (b), some possible answers include “A has a long nose but B does not. / B has spots on its body but A does not.” For questions that involve pupils to identify differences, pupils must show a comparison between the two animals (in this case). Pupils should not just state their answers as “A has a long nose. /  B has spots.”

Thank you.

Ms Natalie Chan

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